• Welcome to Double Em Care Services Ltd.

What Is Complex Care?

Complex care refers to the kind of care that requires person-centered specialist support for individuals with chronic or long-term health conditions, that requires extra assistance to manage their symptoms and daily activities to enable a high quality of life.

This type of care differs from general Domiciliary care because it usually involves medical intervention of some sort and involvement with doctors and nurses that specialise in particular health conditions. Complex care can include any condition that requires clinical support, such as Parkinson’s, acquired brain injuries or a neurological condition. It can also be provided if someone requires nursing care as a result of their primary condition, for example, a PEG feeding tube after someone has had a stroke.

The aim of complex care at home is to provide support around an individual’s needs and enable them to retain their independence as much as possible.

Who are adults with complex needs?

Adults with complex needs are a subset of the UK population with a substantial mix of physical, behavioral health, and social needs. This diverse population often has higher rates of hospitalization and emergency department use compared with the broader population. Yet, despite high service use, people with complex needs often experience worsening outcomes. While these distinctions can be helpful, the care needs within each of these subpopulations vary considerably, and many people fall under more than one of these categories. In addition, unmet social needs are common among individuals in all five of these groups.

Adults under 65 with physical or developmental disabilities

People with multiple chronic conditions

People with serious behavioral health needs

Frail older adults

People with serious illness

Who can benefit from complex care support?

Anyone living with a long-term, progressive illness or injury can benefit from complex care. Double Em Care Services Ltd will ensure that you have the right level of care in place for you that enables you to live well with your condition, whilst being surrounded with your home comforts.

There is a wide variety of different health conditions and symptoms that Helping Hands can provide support with. They include:

  • Neurological conditions – including multiple sclerosis (MS), motor neurone disease (MND), Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and stroke
  • Catheter, bowel and stoma care
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Gastronomy care – including PEG feeding
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury

We’ll get to know you and everything about your condition and symptoms that you need support with. That way, you can receive bespoke, person-centred care at home, enabling you to live the life you want to lead on your terms.

Arranging complex care

If you would like to arrange complex care for yourself or a loved one, you can call us today and speak to a member of our customer care team.